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All Nornir Chests Locations and Solutions

Jun 18, 2024

Need help finding and solving one of the many Nornir Chests scattered about the different Realms and Regions in God of War Ragnarok? This Collectibles guide details everything you need to know about Nornir Chests, including how to find them, solve them, and the rewards they offer.

Nornir Chests are a unique collectible that requires you to find and interact with three Runes that are often hidden around the environment. Find and interact with all three rules to unlock the chest and receive helpful rewards.

Need help finding and solving the Nornir Chests that are scattered about the realms in God of War Ragnarok? Continue scrolling below to find a complete list, or see the links below to jump to our dedicated region pages...

For the first thirty Nornir Chests, the rewards will alternate between Indunn Apples that increase your Health and Horns of Blood Mead that increase your Rage. The final four Nornir Chests meanwhile will give you Hacksilver and exclusive Enchantments.

Nornir Chests come in four varieties:

Need help locating Nornir Chest collectibles in a particular realm or region? Click the links below to jump to...

The Svartalfheim Nornir Chest section has been ordered by when you can visit them earliest in the game. Use the list below to jump to a specific collectible:

There are two Nornir Chests to be found in the Aurvangar Wetlands.

This Nornir Chest is found in the Aurvangar Wetlands where you first dock to unblock a wheel. Freeze the geyser and jump over it, and you’ll see the Nornir Chest to your right across the gap.

The B and F Runes are close to the chest. The F Rune is on a ledge to the left of the chest, while the B Rune is sitting on an island you can spot behind the chest across the water.

The R Rune is trickier. Jump back across the watery gap and look left to spot a tall geyser. Throw your Leviathan Axe at its base to freeze it, then leap up to the top of the ledge. The R Rune is here, on your left at the base of a tree.

Found in an optional side area just after you lower the wall to pass North. Keep left and you may spot a Legendary Chest on a raised wooden platform. To get here, sail further along and spot a section you can slip the boat under.

Dock the boat on the shore, and you’ll see the Nornir Chest on your right among some machinery. This Nornir Chest uses spinner switches, so you’ll need to find them and turn them to match the “D-B-N” Runes on the Nornir Chest.

First, look to the right of the Nornir Chest to find a spinner obscured by a geyser. You can throw the axe at the geyser to reveal the rune on the spinner: hit it once on the left paddle (or twice on the right paddle) to spin it to the D Rune.

From there, head left to the wooden platform to find another spinner on your left: hit it once on the right-hand paddle to spin it to the B Rune.

Return to the boat and this time leap up the wooden ledge nearby. Look up on your right to find the spinner: hit it once on the right-hand huddle to spin it to the N Rune.

There is one Nornir Chest to be found in Dragon Beach.

This Nornir Chest is found at Dragon Beach, which is on the Eastern shore of the Bay of Bounty’s Southern area. You can find it at the very back of the beach, close to a Rune Read. All of the Runes will be obscured by geysers.

The I Rune is found behind the Nornir Chest: freeze the geyser there to see where the Rune is, then recall the Axe and throw it again to smash it. If you need a guide, it’s level with the top of the bush to the right of the geyser.

The R Rune is located behind the petrified dragon at the Southern half of the beach. Freezing the geyser will reveal that the rune is protected by some metal grating: you’ll have to circle around the statue and hit the Rune from behind.

The F Rune is found at the shore: look for a geyser among some large bones close to the Southern boat shore. As before, freeze the geyser to get an idea of where the rune is, then recall and throw it at the rune to break it!

There is one Nornir Chest to be found in Radsvinn's Rig.

This Nornir Chest is found and completed around the main battle area around the furnace tower of Radsvinn’s Rig. After leaping up the two ledges to get there, look to your left to spot a crane: the Nornir Chest will be on the other side of it.

The C Rune is found to the left of the Nornir Chest.

To get to the R Rune, head clockwise around the arena from the Nornir Chest: jump across the gap, and you’ll see two barrels ahead with green Soundstone plates on them. Shoot them with Atreus’ Sonic Arrows to reveal a gap in the wall, with the R Rune behind it.

To find the N Rune, continue clockwise around the arena from the R Rune: you’ll spot it behind some metal grating, which block the Blades of Chaos. To light this torch, stand at the grating and face the furnace tower: to its right you’ll spot a platform you can grapple to. From here, turn around and throw the Leviathan Axe at the red pot behind the Run Torch: that will light it!

There is one Nornir Chest to be found on Alberich Island.

This Nornir Chest is found on the initial beach you can explore of Alberich Island (meaning it’s technically a shore of the Bay of Bounty, rather than Alberich Island itself. The chest will be visible to your right after you dock the boat.

This Nornir Chest uses Rune Bells: you have to strike all three and get them ringing all at the same time. To increase your chances, scout out each bell to see what you can do with them: some you may be able to put into place before starting to make your run quicker.

The C Rune is found just to the right of the Nornir Chest. Because of this, you should hit this bell last.

The R Rune is across from the Nornir Chest, just to the left of a large wooden structure. It’s hidden behind some grating: have Atreus shoot the Soundstone plating on the crane to lower it into reach. This rune should be hit second.

The N Rune is found to the right of the large wooden structure across from the Nornir Chest, hidden behind some grating. To reveal it, throw your Axe twice into the left side of the spinning paddles to the left of the bell. The bell will however lower back down again: for this reason, you should hit this bell first.

There is one Nornir Chest to be found in Jarnsmida Pitmines.

The Nornir Chest in Jarnsmida Mines is found very easily early in the area: after crawling through a tunnel, you’ll emerge, drop down two ledges, then turn right and freeze a water trough so you can use a grapple point to cross a gap. The Nornir Chest will be directly ahead.

The R Rune is found just left of the Nornir Chest.

To find the C Rune, drop down the ledge to the left of the Nornir Chest and head around the corner: the torch will be on top of a rock formation, near a Coffin. However, to get to the N Rune you’ll have to unfreeze the water trough, which will douse the C Rune’s torch. So if you haven’t gotten the N Rune yet, then on your way back you’ll have to refreeze the trough, then relight the C Rune’s torch.

For the N Rune, look left of the C Rune’s location to see a gap you can grapple across. If it’s blocked by a large wooden container, recall the Leviathan Axe to raise it, allowing you to cross. The N Rune will be in front of you after you get across.

From this point on, all Nornir Chests cannot be obtained until later in the game. As such, BEWARE OF SPOILERS!!

There is one Nornir Chest to be found in Myrkr Tunnels.

This Nornir Chest is encountered shortly after you freeze a water trough to lower a small gate, allowing you to crawl through a small space. Once you emerge, it’ll be directly ahead.

The N Rune is found directly opposite to the chest; it’ll be on your left, and you may even spot it as you walk by!

The C Rune is close to the N Rune; look a bit further back in the tunnel for some crates to smash: the torch will be in the alcove behind them.

The R Rune is located to the left of the Nornir Chest. First, throw your Axe into the barrel to the right of the torch to spill oil over the floor. To light it, use a Blazing Surge on the left-hand barrel behind the fence: the explosion will be enough to light the oil, and thus the torch!

There is one Nornir Chest to be found in The Forge.

This Nornir Chest, while reachable when you first pass through The Forge, cannot be attempted and opened until you begin the Forging Destiny main quest and pick up a new piece of equipment along the way.

Once you’ve done that, you can find this Nornir Chest just North of the end of the train tracks. You’ll know you’re close when you find the teal heart painted on a rock.

The B Rune’s totem is on the cliff wall to the left of the Nornir Chest itself.

The I Rune’s totem is on the side of a rock peak behind the Nornir Chest. Look for the three wooden posts at the edge of the cliff and face East: it’ll be visible on the right.

The F Rune’s totem is over at the wooden walkway: it’ll be sitting on a rock close to the two train cars that Kratos cut off and discarded from the second train the first time you went through this area.

Once you've pegged all three totems, hit the Triangle Button to detonate the spears and destroy all three at once, unlocking the Nornir Chest!

There are two Nornir Chest to be found in The Applecore.

This Nornir Chest is found at the end of The Applecore, however you cannot access it until you’ve completed the Forging Destiny main quest and acquired new equipment during it.

Once you’ve done so, return to The Applecore by going to the Mystic Gateway in the Aurvangar Wetlands, then take the ferry that goes North-West to the Sverd Sands. Here you’ll find the elevator back into The Applecore.

Once you’re down here, look for the Rope Frame you can now use to create a shortcut.

Ride down the new zipline, then make a U-Turn to the left to find a Wind Vent. Use your new equipment to plug it up and climb up the ledge.

Follow the path to the left and up another ledge, and the Nornir Chest will be directly in front of you.

The N and C Runes will be directly opposite the Nornir Chest, sitting on two hanging platforms above the main path below.

To get to the R Rune, climb up the two ledges to the right of the Nornir Chest, then turn around. You’ll spot the totem sitting at the base of a column of rock.

This Nornir Chest is found deep within The Applecore, however you cannot get to it until you complete the Forging Destiny main quest, giving you a new piece of equipment.

Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to begin the lengthy process of returning to The Applecore and progressing through it to the other side. From Nornir Chest 1 described above, continue North through the tunnel.

When you round the corner, you’ll see a high wall with a Wind Vent on the side. Use your new equipment to plug it up, then climb up the wall to the top.

At the top, head forward and you’ll see a large boulder with a yellow Wind Fissure on it. Throw your new equipment into it and then detonate it with the Triangle button, destroying the boulder.

Head forward and then right, then use the grapple point to cross the gap and climb up the ledge. Head through the tunnel, then kick the chain down at the end so you can slide down to the next room.

From this room, head left through the crawlspace, then out the other side, go through the double doors on your right.

Here in this room, look to your right for a spot on the wall you can shimmy across, then head down the hallway.

On the other side, veer left and cross over the gap with the grapple point, onto the spiral walkway.

As you go down the spiral walkway, keep an eye out on your right for a gap in the fence, with two rope-chains flanking it. Kick down the metal plate if you need to, then drop down below.

Here, head forward and take a right: jump across the gap, then slip under the wooden trough (if you never took this route before, you’ll have to destroy some gold rocks by going left first and blowing up the Red Pot).

On the other side of the trough, use the grapple point on your left to cross over the blue-lit gap, then leap up to the top of the ledge on your right. There, go through the double doors.

Next, look around on your left for a Wind Vent, close to a ledge you can mount up. Instead of doing that, head to the right-hand side of this area and use your new equipment to plug up the vent. You can then swing across the gap.

Once you cross the gap, the Nornir Chest will be on your right. Phew!

The B Rune’s totem can be found off to the right of the Nornir Chest. Head that way and stand on the edge of the balcony. Look for a water trough ahead and freeze it with the Leviathan Axe. This will reveal the totem, normally hidden by the water flow. Your new equipment will be able to reach it from here. no problem.

The F Rune’s totem is in the short hallway to the left of the Nornir Chest. It’ll be close to a Mystic Gateway.

The I Rune’s totem is further left of the Nornir Chest. Look for the Yggdrasil Rift: there’ll be some gold rocks to the right of it. Destroy them using the Red Pot, and the totem will be among the rubble.

The Svartalfheim Nornir Chest section has been ordered by when you can visit them earliest in the game. Additionally, there are no Nornir Chests in The Canyons. Use the list below to jump to a specific collectible:

Use the list below to jump to a specific region of Alfheim:

There are two Nornir Chests to be found in The Strond.

The Strond’s Nornir Chest can be found early in the level, shortly after you come across the campfire and slip through the gap.

On the other side, head left at the fork and drop down the ledge to find the chest. It'll be on your right.

The C Rune can be found to the left of the Nornir Shine on top of the cliff. Luckily, the Blades of Chaos are long enough to reach and light it with a Blazing Surge (L2 then R2 by default).

The N Rune is to the right of the Nornir Chest, just a bit below the edge of the cliff where the wooden scaffolding is.

The R Rune is above the spot where the N Rune is, however it’s too high for the Blades of Chaos to reach, so you’ll need a better vantage point. To get it, return to the split that led you to the Nornir Chest and this time take the right-hand path up the ledges.

At the top, look left and drop down the ledge: the R Rune will be above you. After lighting it, you can drop down again to return to the Nornir Chest’s area so you can open it!

This Nornir Chest is found shortly after your first fight with Light Elves, but it requires a piece of equipment you receive in the Forging Destiny main quest.

Once you have this equipment, return to The Strond and then make your way back South-West until you can see the door into the Temple of Light. Head down the stairs, and the Nornir Chest will be on your right, close to a yellow Wind Fissure in the Rock.

The F Rune is found behind the Wind Fissure to the left of the Nornir Chest. Use your new equipment to destroy it, where you’ll find a Mystic Gateway on the other side. To the left of the gateway is the F Rune’s totem, slightly off in the distance on the rock wall.

The “angular N Rune” totem can be located just to the right of the Nornir Chest itself, towards the bottom of the stairs leading into this area.

The “rounded N Rune” totem is on the Eastern rocks of this area, to the right of a dead tree. If you’re standing at the Nornir Chest, there may be a dead tree in the middle of the area blocking your view of it.

There is one Nornir Chest to be found in the Temple of Light.

This Nornir Chest is found right after Kratos and Tyr push down two giant statues to form a Light Bridge. Ahead on the right will be some stairs up to the next area; the Nornir Chest is at the base of the stairs.

The R Rune is visible just to the left of the chest, while the C Rune is on a tiny balcony up the wall further to the left.

The real trick is the N Rune: it’s part-way down a corridor to the right of the chest, and is covered in Soundstone. Even with it removed, however, there isn’t enough time to run down and strike it. To solve this, stand at the Nornir Chest and line up a throw on the Twilight Stone; this gives you enough time to strafe left and hit the other two Rune Bells.

There is one Nornir Chest to be found in The Below.

This Nornir Chest can be accessed at the spot where you bounce the Axe off a Twilight Stone to cut three Nest Vines in a chasm. However you won’t be able to access all of its bells until you open up two wooden doors made of branches first. The first door is close to the Nornir Chest itself, while the second is to your right after you traverse the chasm and drop down a ledge.

Once you've done this, scout out the three Bells. As shown in the picture above, the C Rune's bell is opposite the Nornir Chest on the left side of the nearby door.

The R Rune's bell is visible through the door close to the Nornir Chest.

The N Rune's bell is through the upper-most door you can open, sitting in the window.

There is one Nornir Chest to be found in The Barrens.

The Nornir Chest in the Barrens can be found on the “island” with the Elf ruins on it. It’ll also have some Dark Elf Nest Vines inside of it.

The first thing you should do is head to the North side of the island: if you stand at the base of the cliff wall East of a dead tree, you can get the angle you need to throw the Leviathan Axe into all three Nest Vines at once: this will remove the vines and get you access to both the R Rune and the Nornir Chest itself on the opposite side of the building.

The C Rune is found on the South-West side of the island, close to the Nornir Chest. The N Rune is located on the North-East side of the island (and close enough to be reachable with the Blades of Chaos).

The R Rune is trickier: it’s up on the roof directly above the Nornir Chest. To light it, look for a Red Pot to the right of the torch and break it with a Leviathan Axe throw!

There are two Nornir Chests to be found in The Forbidden Sands.

This Nornir Chest is found in the South-Western corner of The Forbidden Sands. Look for a falling pillar you can slip under, to the right of a heart graffiti on the wall.

The N Rune is the only one near the Nornir Chest itself; check to the right of it and light it with a Blazing Surge.

The C Rune is found back outside on top of the left-hand rock formation. Set up a chain of Hex Bubbles so that you can set them off with a Blazing Surge, lighting the torch.

The R Rune is also “outside”, partway up a huge rock arch. For this one, set up two maximum-size Hex Bubbles: one below the torch, and one on top of the rock below it. This will let the reaction cross the gap and light the torch!

This Nornir Chest is found in a spot underground of The Elven Sanctum, however its entryway is blocked with sand until you clear the sandstorm in the Song of the Sands Favor.

Once you’ve completed that, head to the North-East corner of The Forbidden Sands to The Elven Sanctuary. Here, instead of leaping up to the top of the ledge, attack the broken section at the bottom: this reveals a space you can crawl through. You’ll find the Nornir Chest at the bottom.

First you’ll need to clear out the Nest Vines. To do this, look for some Twilight Stone in front of and to the sides of the Nornir Chest (you’ll have two to choose from). Throw your axe into one at the correct angle, and it’ll bounce about the room and cut all three vines. It may take the axe a few laps before it can cut all three in time.

The trick to this Nornir Chest is to use the fireball explosions when Hex Arrows are fired into a lit flame. To begin, look for the N-Rune’s torch off to the left of the Nornir Chest, which has a warm campfire lit next to it. Fire a Sigil Arrow at the campfire, and it’ll place a Hex Bubble that immediately explodes, lighting the torch!

Next is the C Rune’s torch, which is to the right of the Nornir Chest at the base of a column. The campfire is some distance away, so you’ll need to set up a Hex Bubble Chain. Since the arrow you fire at the campfire will also set a Hex Bubble down, this effectively gives you two bubbles to work with.

Start with the bubble closest to the torch. Fire at the same spot three times to make an enlarged Hex Bubble: place it some distance away from the torch as you can while still being in range of the torch. You can tell you’ve done this correctly because the top of the torch will glow pink.

Next, set up another triple-size Hex Bubble between the first one and the campfire: make sure the middle of the second Hex Bubble is close to the edge of the first so that the chain travels correctly. Finally, fire a Sigil Arrow at the campfire itself. If you’ve set things up correctly, the bubbles will ignite each other, and then the torch!

The last and most difficult torch is the R Rune’s, which can only be lit after you’ve lit the C Rune’s torch described above. Look up above the column next to the C Rune torch to see a Nest Wall that you can retract temporarily with a Sonic Arrow.

In order to reach the R Rune’s torch, you’ll have to set up three triple-size Hex Bubbles; you can make one by firing at the same spot three times. The challenge is that enlarged Hex Bubbles will expire after about 10-15 seconds. Thus you’ll have to quickly do the following:

The Niflheim Nornir Chest section has been ordered by when you can visit them earliest in the game.

There is one Nornir Chest to be found in the Aesir Prison Wreckage.

This Nornir Chest is found on the second floor (that is, second-from-the-top floor) of the Aesir Prison, however getting to it is one of the more brain-tickling puzzles in the game, since it’s blocked by walls. First, you’ll want to clear out the tower first of any enemies and use the two Wind Vent frames to help swing down. You can move the Wind Vents using the chain cranks.

Eventually, you’ll make your way to the bottom floor. We’ll start our instructions here to act as a common reset point.

First, look for the F Rune’s idol sitting on the ice in the middle square space of this floor, as shown in the picture above.

Next, jump up the Eastern swing pole to get from Floor 4 to Floor 3 (you’ll be jumping South-East).

As soon as you make it up, look left to the North-East to spot a room you can enter: the T Rune’s idol will be sitting in the right-hand windowsill. If you’ve not opened the gate into this room, you’ll also have to kill a Dark Elf inside.

If you’re also interested in the Legendary Chest and Relic here, you should look for the chain crank in the North-Western corner of the room and use it to raise a Wind Pole frame up as high as it’ll go.

Now head to the Southern corner of the floor, where you should find a blue-framed window you can vault through.

Inside the room, turn around and look up: you’ll see a cracked wall you can breach through with the Blades of Chaos. This will get you up to Floor 3.

When you get to the top, look North to spot a gate you can yank open via a grapple point. This will be where both the R Rune and the Nornir Chest are! Smash the idol, then open the chest.

If you also want to get the Legendary Chest and Relic here (and used the chain crank on Floor 3), open the gate, head through it and then look right through the opening: you’ll now be able to climb up to the Legendary Chest on Floor 1 using the swing pole you moved earlier! If you want to access the rest of Floor 1, use the grapple point here to open another gate.

The Vanaheim Nornir Chest section has been ordered by when you can visit them earliest in the game. Use the list below to jump to a specific collectible:

There is one Nornir Chest to be found in The Southern Wilds.

This Nornir Chest can be encountered close to the end of The Southern Wilds, shortly after you first encounter the acid-spitting plants. It’ll be on your right in a clearing and very difficult to miss.

The C Rune’s switch will be up the wall to the left of the Nornir Chest. Hit it once on the right paddle to turn it to the C.

The R Rune switch is to the right of the Nornir Chest, but is covered in Hel’s Bramble. Equip the Blades of Chaos, use L2 to aim, then press R2 to use the Blazing Surge skill, setting it alight. Now you can hit the switch once on the left paddle to spin it to the R.

The N Rune’s switch is actually back a bit to the South-East and up the wall. It too is covered in Hel’s Bramble, but it’s too far away to light. Luckily, the bramble has extended down the left-hand bank, which you can then light to clear it away. Hit the left-hand paddle once to spin it to the N!

There is one Nornir Chest to be found in The Abandoned Village.

This Nornir Chest is found at the wooden bridge with the double-crane, one with a grapple point, and the other with a hanging fire bucket used to light Hel’s Bramble. To set things up, you’ll need to free the fire bucket from the Hel’s Bramble with the Blades of Chaos, then loop around and rotate the crane so you can yank the fire bucket into the Hel’s Bramble blocking the other side of the wooden bridge.

Once you’ve done all that, rotate the crane so you can use the grapple point to cross the bridge. On the other side, make a U-Turn to the right and find the Nornir Chest under the bridge.

The N Rune’s torch is directly across from the Nornir Chest, and reachable with the Blades of Chaos. The other two, however, are not, and must be hit with the crane’s fire bucket.

Return to the bridge and look East to the other side: to the right of the bridge you can see the R Rune on the rock wall to the right. Grapple across, then turn the crane once clockwise so that the fire bucket is close to you. Next, yank it left with the Blades of Chaos to light the torch!

From here, look West back across the bridge: you can see the C Rune’s torch among the tree roots to the left. Turn the crane back anti-clockwise once, setting both the fire bucket into place, and allowing you to grapple back across. Yank the fire bucket right with the Blades, and the Nornir Chest will unlock!

There is one Nornir Chest to be found in the Cliffside Ruins.

This Nornir Chest is found on the lower level of the Cliffside Ruins. After beaching at the shore, head forward through the rock columns and you’ll find it under a rusty window.

The F Rune is found in the rocks to the left of the Nornir Chest near a gold chain, but you cannot even see it from the ground level. To reach it, climb up the stone wall further left, then go left and hop onto the top of the rock columns.

Get onto the one closest to the gold chain, then spot the switch to the right of the gold chain. Hit it once on the right-hand paddle to turn it to the correct F Rune (the horizontal lines should be slanting upwards).

The R Rune can be found up on the rocks above the water to the right of the Nornir Chest, covered in Red Fungi Bramble. Set up a chain of Hexes using Sigil Arrows and light them with a Blazing Surge from the Blades of Chaos to destroy the bramble. Once that’s done, hit the right-hand paddle once to turn the switch to the R Rune.

The D Rune is technically on the Cliffside Ruins, but it’s only visible from the nearby shore where Brok and Lunda’s workshop is on the North bank of the river. Beach the boat there, then look South to see the switch on the rocks: hit it once on the right-hand paddle to turn it to the D Rune.

There is one Nornir Chest to be found in The Southern Wilds.

This Nornir Chest can be found at the top of Goddess Falls. Check to the right of the vine-covered door that leads to Vanir Shrine: it’ll be on its own little island you can reach with a grapple point.

The R Rune’s torch can be found just to the right of the Nornir Chest. The idea is to place three Hex bubbles: one close to the torch, and two on the rock outcroppings in the river.

You’ll need to expand the size of the bubble closest to the torch in order for this to work. To do that, fire a second Sigil Arrow at the Hex: this won’t break the Hex bubble limit of three. Light the closest one with the Blades of Chaos’ Blazing Surge to light the torch!

The N Rune is found at the top of the waterfall to the left of the Nornir Chest, and next to the viney door leading to Vanir Shrine. To light it, place two Hex bubbles, one under the torch, and another on the strip of rock below that. You’ll need to expand the upper Hex one size and the lower Hex twice in order for this to work.

The C Rune is found on the cliff to the left of the viney door to Vanir Shrine, and close to a Hacksilver Chest. Place some Hex bubbles leading to it and then light them with a Blazing Surge.

There is one Nornir Chest to be found in The Veiled Passage.

This Nornir Chest is found inside The Veiled Passage, which you can enter from the South of the river to Goddess Falls. As you row through the cave, keep an eye out on the right-hand side for a small shore you can beach on.

Here will be a lava rock dispenser: grab one, then go right and throw it at the gold rocks to clear the way to the Nornir Chest.

The three Bells are visible here to the West on the far cave wall. The right-hand bell is covered in Red Fungi Bramble, but both it and the left-hand bell are behind cages, meaning they cannot be hit with the Leviathan Axe. Instead, you must use Hex Bubbles with Sigil Arrows.

Everything beyond this point is only accessible later on in the game. As before, BE WARY OF SPOILERS!!

There is one Nornir Chest to be found in the Eastern Barri Woods.

This Lore is found soon after you explore the new Eastern area of Eastern Barri Woods that you can access during your second visit. After you make a rock tunnel via a yellow Wind Fissure, go left at the split (right should go to a Coffin).

As you head down, keep an eye out on your left for some curved stairs with a Scroll on it: the Nornir Chest will be at the top within a circular ruin.

The D Rune is actually found on the stairs up here, close to the circular ruins. Look for it on the left-hand side at the base of a tree trunk. It’s covered in Hel’s Bramble: you can set up a Hex Bubble chain to reach it, but there’s also a spot to the left of the rock pictured above where Kratos can get close enough to reach it on his own.

Hit the switch once on the left to turn it to the D Rune.

The F Rune is also very close to the Nornir Chest. To the left of the Nornir Chest is an archway: look between this archway and the Nornir Chest to spot the spinner. Hit it once on the right-hand paddle to get it onto the F Rune.

The C Rune’s Spinner is through the archway to the left of the Nornir Chest. There’s a Wulver here dining on an unlucky Einherjar, so you’ll have to defeat it within incredibly tight quarters.

Once it’s down, stand at the end of the path looking South-West-ish, and you’ll spot the spinner in the distance in the ruin of a dome. Aim just a little bit above the right-hand paddle with the Leviathan Axe to spin it to the C Rune (the Draupnir Spear doesn’t have enough mass to turn it).

There are two Nornir Chests to be found in The Plains.

This Nornir Chest is found in the North-Eastern corner of the initial starting area of The Plains, close to the Celestial Altar. However you cannot complete it until you’ve made your way up to the Celestial Altar from the South and cleared out the local Seidr. Once you have, look for a ledge on the Eastern edge and kick down the metal plate: that’ll let you ascend up from the West without having to go all the way back around.

The Nornir Chest itself is found to the left of the ledge you can use to get up to the Celestial Altar, in front of a small pool. The R Rune is up to the left of the chest, while the C Rune is off to the right, at the back of the pool.

The N Rune is the trickier one. Leap up the ledge to the Celestial Altar, then head all the way to the left to the edge. To your left will be the N Rune’s bell: use a Blazing Surge to clear away the Hel’s Bramble.

The R and C Rune bells will ring long enough for you to climb back up and ring the N Rune’s bell, but you can circle around the rocks to the left and hit it from the lower level as well if you wish (although it is a slightly tricky shot under time pressure).

The second Nornir Chest in The Plains is found at the North-Western corner of the region, however getting to it requires some setup first. To start, it must be nighttime: this allows you to open a gate North of the main lake. You can find a Celestial Altar to change the time of day nearby. Once you’ve done that, the gate will further be guarded by an Ogre.

Once you’ve defeated it, head through the gate and down the explosive plant-laden path until you come to a split: take the left-hand path. If you’ve not been down here before, you’ll have to face down two Seidr Shadows and a nasty Traveller known as Vali the Oath Guard.

When they’ve been killed, head to the corner to the left of the Coffin and look below: you should see a Scorn Pole laying gas all over the entry gate. Throw your Leviathan Axe at it to remove this hazard.

With that done, return back to the first gate, then head right: you should vault over a fallen stone pillar, then drop down a cliff into a clearing. On the right is another gate: since you froze the Scorn Pole with the Leviathan Axe, you can safely open it!

On the other side, you’ll be fighting Seidr Reavers and Shadows, and a Viken, all backed up by more Scorn Poles. Luckily they’re the Seidr-buffing variety and not the gas-laying ones.

Once you’ve killed the Seidr, it’s time to smash the Nornir Chest’s rune idols.

The F Rune is located on the Western wall of the area, on top of a rock formation.

The R Rune is found inside the trunk of a tree close to the entry gate.

The N Rune is found close to the Nornir Chest itself: freeze the nearby Scorn Pole, then check behind the wooden bust statue to find it.

There is one Nornir Chest to be found in The Jungle.

This Nornir Chest is found in the Southern part of The Jungle near the Celestial Altar, meaning to access it, you need to complete the Return of the River Favor first, allowing you to row across.

Once you’ve done this, the Nornir Chest will be directly ahead from where you dock the boat on the shore.

The E Rune’s spinner switch is found to the right of the Nornir Chest, up a ruin and close to where you start the Casualty of War: The Toy Favor. Hit it once on the left-hand paddle to spin it to the E Rune.

The N Rune’s spinner is close to the nearby Celestial Altar. Standing there, face East towards the wall you can leap up, then look to the left of it. You should spot some Red Fungi Bramble you can burn down. Once you’ve done so, hit it once on the right-hand paddle to spin the switch to the curved N Rune.

The B Rune is located on top of the building that houses the Celestial Altar. It’ll be on the Eastern side; you can reach it from the ground, but you may find it easier to hit it from up the ledge instead. Hit it once on the left-hand paddle to spin it to the B Rune.

There are two Nornir Chests to be found in The Sinkholes.

The first Nornir Chest in The Sinkholes is found at the beginning of the level. After taking the zipline down from The Plains, turn around and head forwards to find it in a small shaded area.

The C Rune’s torch will be to the right of the chest, sitting above a small pond.

The N Rune’s torch is to the left of the chest, on a cliff overlooking a battle area below. In order to reach it, you’ll have to set up a chain of enlarged Hex Bubbles using Sigil Arrows, which you can then set off with a Blazing Surge.

The R Rune’s Torch is found on the cliff above the Nornir Chest. Climb up the first ledge nearby as if you were returning to The Plains, then make a U-Turn to the left and look up: the torch will be visible high above. You can use another Hex Bubble Chain to reach it.

The second Nornir Chest in The Sinkholes is found just before the lair of the local dragon, The Ash Tyrant. As a result, reaching it means you must first complete the Return of the River Favor in The Jungle, which restores the rivers and allows you to more fully explore the region.

Once you’ve done this, the Nornir Chest will be under a tree overlooking the river below, just before you climb up to the arena.

The B Rune’s totem is located on the white pillar that you need to climb to get up to The Ash Tyrant’s arena, at least when you first arrive here.

The E Rune is found on top of a square stone column to the right of the Nornir Chest, close to the gold chain down to the docks below.

The T Rune is found at the Northern edge of this area, on a ledge of the dirt cliff on the right.

The Midgard Nornir Chest section has been ordered by when you can visit them earliest in the game. Use the list below to jump to a specific collectible:

There is one Nornir Chest to be found in the Raider Hideout.

This Nornir Chest is found inside the Raider Hideout cave. It’s in the Eastern area of the Lake of Nine, at the feet of the two huge doors. The Nornir Chest will be at the very back of the cave.

The R Rune is located behind the Red Fungi Bramble to the left of the Nornir Chest. Place a Hex there with a Sigil Arrow and then ignite it with a Blazing Surge to burn it down. The easiest way to light the torch itself is to grab a lava rock from the dispenser and throw that at it.

The N Rune is to the right of the Nornir Chest, behind the gold rocks. Look for the lava rock dispenser in the main plaza of the room, then throw a lava rock at the gold rocks to destroy them. Light it by throwing a second lava rock at the torch itself.

The C Rune is the most devilishly located: it’s at the far end of the chasm that’s directly in front of you when coming down the entry stairs. To light it, grab a lava rock from the dispenser in the lower plaza, then set up a few Hex Bubbles leading down from the torch. Throw the lava rock while your aim is level with the torch, and the lava rock will collide with one of the lower Hexes, setting off a chain reaction that lights the torch!

There is one Nornir Chest to be found in The Oarsman.

This Nornir Chest is in The Oarsman, an underground area you can access from the Shores of Nine, the Northern area of the Lake of Nine. Look for the wall of Hel’s Bramble you can burn down, allowing you to jump a gap to this region.

Navigation in The Oarsman changes after you’ve climbed back above ground, defeated the Stalker, pulled the chain to move the boat, descended back underground, and opened the gate back to the starting area.

For this reason, we expect that you’ve done all this BEFORE attempting the Nornir Chest.

The Nornir Chest can be spotted in the back-right corner of the starting room, when you first head down the stairs. The tricky part however is that the Bells ring for differing amounts of time: the C Rune’s bell rings for an extremely long time, while the N and R Rune Bells are very short. So, you should hit them in a C-N-R order.

The R Rune is just to the right of the Nornir Chest. Normally it’s blocked by a gate; if that's the case for you, climb up the wall to the left of the Nornir Chest and make your way back around and open the gate from the other side. The R Rune stops ringing the fastest, so it should be the last one you hit.

The C Rune is to the left of the Nornir Chest; it’ll be in a dark chasm to the right of the Mystic Gateway. This bell rings the longest of the three, so you should hit this one first, then quickly whack the other two bells.

The N Rune is located in the area between the two staircases of this lower tomb area.

There is one Nornir Chest to be found in The Lost Treasury.

This Nornir Chest is a lengthy one, because you have to complete it while you’re in the middle of solving the Tyr’s Shield puzzle that is the showcase of this area. The goal is to roll the shield just enough that a hole at the bottom lets you enter the gate of the building. This requires moving a makeshift stopper into position.

To begin, latch the Blades of Chaos onto the grapple point on the right-hand side of the shield, then yank it to the left. This will reveal the C Rune’s torch: set up a chain of Hex Bubbles using Sigil Arrows and set off a reaction with a Blazing Surge.

With that done, yank the shield back to the right, then climb up it to the right-hand side of the ruins. At the top, break the black pot to destroy the gold rocks, felling a stone column. While you can try and move the column with the Blades of Chaos, Tyr’s shield is in the way!

Head through the open doorway, defeat the Wisps that show up with the help of Hexes, then drop down the side of the building (don’t forget to loot the Coffin for 1 Petrified Bone and 871 Hacksilver). From here, latch onto the left-hand side of the shield and tug it to the left. This moves it out of the way so you can put the stone column into position.

Next, climb up the left-hand side of the shield to get back up to the left-hand side of the building. As you approach the door, keep an eye out for the R Rune’s torch above and to the right of it. Set up another Hex Bubble chain you can set off with the Blades of Chaos’ Blazing Surge to light it.

Head through the doorway and get to the stone column you knocked down earlier. Yank it to the left, and it’ll now be sticking out over the edge of the roof. This will stop the shield from rolling too far! Loot the Hacksilver Chest, then drop down the edge of the roof back to solid ground.

Yank to shield to the right to get it into position, then man the wheel crank and turn it to open the gate. Now comes the second conundrum: you have to freeze both of the gears on the left and right sides of the shield to keep the gate from closing.

You can do this with a Hex Bubble, which is able to retain the Axe’s freeze for about 10 seconds. Fire a Sigil Arrow at one of the gears, then quickly throw the Axe into it, recall it, then throw the axe into the other gear and leave it there. You’ll have only a couple of seconds to sprint inside!

Once you’re in, the N Rune’s torch is in the right-hand corner above the rubble. It’s too far for the blades to reach, however the gate closed behind you, so your companion can’t come in and help! To solve this, look for the target on the right-hand side of the gate and break it.

This lets you set up one last chain of Hex Bubbles you can set off to light the torch! With all that done, exit back out and look to your left to spot the Nornir Chest you can now open.

There is one Nornir Chest to be found in the Well of Urd.

This Nornir Chest can technically be opened as soon as you first arrive at the Lake of Nine, although it’s technically located in the Well of Urd region Coming from that area, it’ll be at the end of the valley and hidden behind a rock, close to the spot where you can start climbing up.

The C Rune will be across to the left of the Nornir Chest, close to where you can start the climb up the cliff.

The N Rune will be at the top of the cliffs: use the grapple points close to the C Rune to get up top. When you’re there, the N Rune will be on your left.

The R Rune you may have spotted on your way up. To access it, simply drop down from where the N Rune was to the middle level. It’ll be up on the left-hand wall.

The Muspelheim Nornir Chest section has been ordered by when you can visit them earliest in the game. Use the list below to jump to a specific collectible:

There is one Nornir Chest to be found in The Crucible.

The Nornir Chest in The Crucible is unique because it’s based around the local Crucible Challenges. To open it, you need to seek out the giant swords with Nornir Runes on them in the upper sub-arenas to the East.

Each arena offers a unique set of challenges: once you’ve cleared both, the Rune will be counted towards the Nornir Chest. The full list of challenges to unlock the Nornir Chest is listed below.

There are more challenges in The Crucible after looting the Nornir Chest: for more details, visit our Muspelheim Crucible Challenges page.

There is one Nornir Chest to be found in the Burning Cliffs.

The only Nornir Chest in the Burning Cliffs is found after you slip through a small space and emerge into a trial arena from the 2018 game. Shimmy across the wall under the lavafall, then head downhill to a split.

At the split, you can either go left over a rock column to the next trial arena, or use the Draupnir Spear to blow up the yellow Wind Fissure on the right. Do the latter, and you’ll find the Nornir Chest on the other side in a tiny space.

The N Rune’s torch will be located to the right of the Nornir Chest up the wall of rock.

The C and R Runes are found together by looking out over the small pool of lava, but reaching them is a unique puzzle.

First, exit back through the opening and make a U-Turn to the right to see a gap where the C Rune’s torch is. Set up an enlarged Hex Bubble chain across the pillars of rock so that you can set them off with a Blazing Surge and light the torch.

Next, return to the Nornir Chest’s spot and look towards the two torches. Set up two enlarged Hex Bubbles on the rocks between the two torches, then fire a third onto the lit C Rune Torch: it will immediately set off the chain and light the R Rune’s torch!

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